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We've completely overhauled our website!

Submitted by system on

Welcome to our brand new overhauled website! Since Drupal 7 is finally reaching it's "end-of-life" at the beginning next year, we thought it was high time we did something about modernising the old one. We've completely rebuilt it using the latest Drupal 10 code base, and have been having fun with some of the fancy tricks and bling that come out of the box with the Bootstrap 5 theme.

The massively successful Drupal 7 has been around since early 2011, so when it is finally laid to rest early next year, it will have lasted for 14 years. This is pretty impressive when you consider that the World Wide Web only really took off in 1993, with the advent of the Mosaic browser, so D7 has actually survived for almost half the lifespan of the internet as it is commonly recognised. (Here at Creative Local Solutions, we built our first site back in1994, so you can see we were early adopters of this tech!) 

D7 was originally scheduled for end-of-life a few years ago, but because there were still so many sites out there using the codebase, they decided to extend it's life. Then Covid hit and it was extended again .. One of the reasons it has taken people so long to get off D7 is because Drupal 8 was radically different from it's predecessor, and moving forward with the new code base generally implied a complete site rebuild, which a lot of people just didn't have the time or money to do. If you are one of the people out there still sporting a Drupal 7 site, and need some help getting it up to date, then please do get in touch and we will be happy to talk it through with you.

We hope you like the new site, we've put a lot of work into improving the look and feel of it, and have even gone as far as designing a new logo. We've made it a lot easier for customers to sign up to our web hosting services, and have completely rewritten our terms and conditions as well. The three images in the "carousel" on the front page of the site have been carried forward from the old site that was built nearly 12 years ago. We were planning on binning these, but because we liked the the pictures so much we decided to keep them in the end :-) Happy days!