I'm proud to announce that I am now a member of the Drupal Association - you can view my public profile here. Recently I signed a contract with the Kindling Trust to provide Supported Hosting and Maintenance, plus mail accounts for four of there websites. Because I was able to provide these services at such an affordable price, they told me they wanted to pay me extra on top of what I quoted. In response I said that I would accept the extra payment on condition that I used it to make a contribution to the Open Source Community. It made sense therefore, for me to use this funding, to join the Drupal Association, and to make an extra donation to support their work.
Drupal 8 Accelerate
The Association are currently running their Drupal 8 Accelerate campaign, to raise funds to speed up the release of the newest version of Drupal Core.
"There are only about 20 release blockers standing between us and a Drupal 8 release. It's time to knock out those final issues and get Drupal 8 out into the world. That's why we started the Drupal 8 Accelerate fund - we're working with the Core Maintainers to fund the completion of these key issues by raising $250,000. Make your contribution today."
Read more about this, or contribute here.